Carlsbad Music Festival and all of its programming, commissions and community events would not be possible without the support of patrons and donors, local business owners and government and foundations grants. On behalf of the entire CMF community, we would like to extend our thanks and gratitude for your support.
(Reflects donations received September 1, 2017- August 16, 2018)
PREMIER GIVING LEVELS ($2,000 or more)
Kip McBane
Tim & Larissa Parrott
CONCERT CIRCLE ($1,000-$1,999)
Janell Cannon
Carolyn Funes
Joan Jackson
Jim Rosenfield
BENEFACTOR ($500-$999)
Rich & Jane Bentley
Devora Lockton
Judith & Wesley Marx
Tracy Moore
Peter & Jan Taylor
Peter & Joan Suffredini
PATRON ($250-$499)
Philip Martin
Emmanuel Sharef
Craddock Stropes
CONNOISSEUR ($100-$249)
Leigh & Lindsey Cohn
Mark Coulombe
David R. Falconer
Alex and Becky Goodman
Julie Halliday
Storm Marquis
ENTHUSIAST ($50-$99)
William Doerrer
Karen Johnson
Margarette Marquis
Gary & Rae Merritt
Donald Walker
Katie White
FRIEND (up to $49)
Martha Erickson
Sharon Griswold
Mike & Joan Hoben