P.O.Box 4067
Carlsbad, CA 92018
760 809 5501
[email protected]
Ticket Order Form
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? general??????????????? student
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (# of tix)??????????? (# of tix)
The Calder Quartet
Friday, May 7, 8pm ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? x$12?????????????????? x$6
Peter Jacobson and FLACO
Saturday, May 8, 8pm?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? x$10?????????????????? x$5
Two Day Pass
Friday and Saturday nights?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? x$20????????????????? x$10
Total $ _________________
Please make check payable to the ?Carlsbad Music Festival,? and mail along with
this completed form to the address above.
The price of your tickets can be included in a tax-deductible donation to the
Carlsbad Music Festval. Please call, email, or visit our website for more information.
Please Check One
___ Please mail me my tickets.
___ Please hold my tickets at will-call (valid I.D. required for collection)
Customer Information
City, Zip___________________________________________________
Phone (alternate)____________________________________________
