P.O.Box 4067
Carlsbad, CA 92018
760 809 5501
[email protected]
Tax-deductible private donations
Make Checks Payable to:
"Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Club Foundation" with "Carlsbad Music Festival" in the memo.
Friend: $0-$50
????? -Priority seating
????? -Recognition in program
Patron: $50-$75
????? -All the above plus:
????? -1 two-day concert pass
????? -1 invitation to catered donors party with the musicians
Musician's Circle: $75-$100
?????? -All of the above plus:
?????? -Pair of two-day concert passes
?????? -Pair of invitations to catered donors party with the musicians
?????? -Poster autographed by musicians
Composer's Circle: $100 or more
?????? -All of the above plus:
?????? -Business card size ad in program (for business, announcement, memorial, etc.)
Terms are negotiable to suit your giving needs.
Please feel free to contact us at 760 809 5501 or [email protected] with any questions or to discuss supporting the festival.
Tickets not used may be donated to students involved in outreach events.